Our strategic plan defines goals and identifies actions which we will take during the three-year planning period. In addition to the goals and objectives shown here, strategies and tactics are included in the complete plan, and will be used in developing annual work plans and budgets.
The Board of Directors will update this plan annually.
Goal 1: Provide science education programs to low-income and other priority students in ECE ~5 th grades at BLNC.
Objective 1: Prioritize schools to best serve the community.
Objective 2: Improve our Education Program to meet the needs of students and educators utilizing BLNC.
Objective 3: Develop and offer public programs that encourage the appreciation and enjoyment of Bluff Lake.
Goal 2: Ensure that Bluff Lake remains a unique natural amenity in the Denver area.
Objective 1: Complete restoration to native plant communities.
Objective 2: Maintain wildlife populations and diversity.
Objective 3: Ensure that human numbers and uses do not conflict with restoration and wildlife goals.
Objective 4: Engage and leverage the resources of volunteers, partners and others in meeting natural resource goals.
Goal 3: Ensure community understanding, appreciation and support for Bluff Lake
Objective 1: Ensure that BLNC communicates effectively with a variety of important audiences.
Objective 2: Offer programs, signage and materials to enhance visitors’ experience, build awareness of the value of Bluff Lake and inform about ways to help keep it natural and wild.
Objective 3: Expand, enhance and maintain visitor amenities, trails, educational facilities and public structures.
Objective 4: Build a strong sense of community involvement in and ownership of Bluff Lake.
Goal 4 Provide full and dependable funding for accomplishing a growing and evolving mission.
Objective 1: Diversify funding sources
Objective 2: Increase revenue base to compensate for loss of consent decree funds in 2013.
Objective 3: Decide upon and, if appropriate, conduct a Capital Campaign to build a teaching and office facility at Bluff Lake.
Goal 5: Ensure that the organization has the capacity to move forward in the accomplishment of this strategic plan.
Objective 1: Ensure that the Board, staff and volunteers can effectively meet the evolving needs of the organization.
Objective 2: Develop and implement personnel and fiscal policies that assure a high level of performance, accountability and credibility.