



Denver CFC

Bluff Lake is now part of the Combined Federal Campaign, making it easy for Federal Employees to donate via payroll.

BLNC is CFC #65781




2012 Membership Levels

Bluff Lake Nature Center is a non-profit organization that depends on funds from a variety of sources.
When you become a member, you will be helping to support all of our programs including
education and conservation efforts.

Your donation of any size is greatly appreciated! However, some donation levels are suggested below. Make your donation using a credit card with the buttons below or print this form and mail it with a check to:

Bluff Lake Nature Center
ATTN: Memberships
9801 E. Colfax Ave. STE 100
Aurora, CO 80010

Make checks payable to Bluff Lake Nature Center.

Basic Members

Benefits Include:

Free access to wildlife refuge, daily from dawn to dusk

Free publications, including the monthly eNews “View from the Bluff”

Free Fireside Chats and Bird Walks

Early registraion for and discount on one Jr. Naturalist Summer Camp

Occasional free ticket offers from Community Partners (e.g. Colorado Rapids)


Individual $25
Family $50


(Your donation of any amount is
greatly appreciated. However, we
encourage families to join with a
donation of at least $50.)

Cottonwoods & Stewards

Benefits Above Plus:

Early registration for and discounts on all Jr. Naturalist Summer Camps

Occasional free special program offers (e.g. Astronomy Walks at Bluff Lake)

Invitation for 2 (free) to “Wine & Cheese on the Bluff” and other free ticket offers


Cottonwood $100
Steward $250



All Benefits Above Plus:

Invitation for 2 (free) to "Urban Spaces, Wild Places"

Recognition as major Bluff Lake Nature Center donors


$500 or more


Bluff Lake Nature Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit

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Copyright © 2008 Bluff Lake Nature Center
Bluff Lake Nature Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Phone: 720-708-4147 ~ Fax: 720-708-4082 ~ General Email: [email protected]