Cold Weather Months:
Between November through March we will meet on Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. depending on the weather.
Volunteer opportunities are available every first saturday of the month.
Please contact Chris Story by email, or by phone at (303)945-6717 to confirm time and date.
Warm Weather Months:
Between the months of April and October, small groups of volunteers meet regularly at Bluff Lake to conduct restoration projects. The groups meet on the first Saturday of the month and every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. Depending on the week, the groups plant willows or trees, pulls invasive species, collects seeds, or repairs trail.
There's no need to register for the projects - simply show up at the Bluff Lake parking lot, and be ready for a satisfying morning of work. The work is geared for all skill levels, and you're bound to learn quite a bit from our experienced core of volunteers and staff.
For more information, send an email to our Site Manager, Chris Story. |