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discovering best places for playing golf

A Simple And Clear Guide On How To Play Golf And Win

Now as a golfer, you no doubt know that every day out on the course has its ups and downs. Golf is a very tough game, but there ways to ensure that even when playing with your friends, you give yourself a chance of winning and claiming all the bragging rights. In this article, we will look at a few simple things you can do to help put you on the front foot.


Golf can tire you out and very quickly, especially when you are not fit. The thing is, many weekend golfers do not worry about their fitness when it comes to the game. After their round, you can often find them at the 19th having a few too many beers, which don’t help!

If you want to start getting one over your golfing buddies, work a little on your fitness. This will ensure you are in peak physical condition for the whole round which really can help concentration levels, especially over the last few holes. Work on your fitness and you will immediately see a difference.

A lesson… or five can’t hurt

Natural talent will only take you so far, especially when starting out with the game of golf. To get one over your buddies, take a few sly golfing lessons. These are a great way to help improve the little things that are affecting your stance or swing. Having a lesson will help to refine your game, which will definitely bring down your scores and make sure you go home as the winner most weekends.

Know your strengths and weaknesses

We all have areas of our game that are strong, while others remain pitifully weak. Feed off the strong parts of your game and steer clear of those weak points. For example, a fellow golfing buddy might be able to drive all the way to a green on a certain hole and challenge you to do so. Your driving, however, especially when going for distance may be very erratic. Don’t fall for his challenge, as you know you are likely to end in the trees, a water hazard or a bunker. By sticking to your strengths, your game is far stronger. Having said that, it doesn’t hurt to continually practice your weak area to improve.

Do the basics right

Finally, golf is a game all about mechanics. Do the basics right and you ensure you stand every chance of playing to the best of your ability. Focus on the important areas before even hitting the ball. Things like the correct grip, a proper stance, and rhythmical swing will go a long way to ensuring that you are at the top of your game.

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